Posted on Aug 06, 2015

Thomson’s bat surveys go through the roof

Thomson Ecology has gone quite batty lately.

In the last week alone, we have notched up 79 man days – or rather nights, of bat surveys, with ecologists surveying every night of the week on sites in Scotland and all over the UK – North, South, East and West.

We have done dusk emergence and dawn return to roost surveys, both on land and on bridges, ground level tree assessments, bat activity transect surveys, static monitoring surveys and bat trapping surveys.

The Cardiff team have climbed and inspected 27 trees in the last three weeks, and have also deployed ten static monitoring devices weekly since the beginning of June, and will continue monitoring them until mid September. That will result in a total of 150 placements for five days each time, so 750 nights of data collection.

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      Knowledge Hub Thomson’s bat surveys go through the roof