Posted on Oct 09, 2014

Thomson Ecology 2014 Photo Competition Winner Announced!

The winning image is entitled “Root of it all” and was taken by Kristian Cruz in January of this year in Brooklyn, New York. Kristian says that the image is “a metaphor for how water is truly the foundation of it all, not only for the natural environment but also for its man-made counterpart.”

Gemma Balaam, organiser of the competition said:

“Not only did the judges agree that this image was visually striking, unique and technically well executed, we felt that the image provoked thought about man’s impact on nature. The reflection of a large tree in the rain water gave us the all-important link with the theme of the competition. The juxtaposition with man was very powerful, which is why ultimately we chose this as the winning image.”

Because this year we invited international entries, we received a really diverse range of photos from India, Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe and America. In fact, Antarctica was the only continent not represented. Maybe next year!

From the hundreds of entries received, four images were shortlisted, including an Irish landscape, ice on Jokulsarlon Beach in Iceland, and a snail from Nigeria.

You can view the shortlist including the winning image on our Flickr page.

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      Knowledge Hub Thomson Ecology 2014 Photo Competition Winner Anno...